Monday, August 2, 2010


Got so caught up with catching up from last week that I forgot to take a picture for today!

Note to self:  NEVER wait a week to update this blog again!

Oh goodness, I'm not even going to try and take a picture of anything.  Here's a recap, though:

I went to work.  I went to Zumba.  (hey!  I worked out for the first time in 2+ weeks!)  I came home.  I ate pizza (ooof.). I read my Bible.  I talked with a client about photographing her wedding (yay!).  I caught up on this stupid blog.  The end.


Edit:  Looking back over what I wrote... I have no idea what I was talking about.  Zumba is on Thursdays... not Mondays.  So... who the heck knows?!

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