Sunday, August 8, 2010


Hello Sunday!  I totally ripped this off of my church's website.  Today was the beginning of the sermon series "I <3 the 80s."  The opening song was "Nothing but a Good Time."  That was fun!  It was an amazing sermon... you can listen to it here!

I love the part Pastor Perry was talking about one of the biggest mission fields in America being the church.  A lot of people grew up in church but aren't really sure when they became a Christian.  If you don't know when it happened, then it probably didn't happen.  We experienced that exact thing in my hometown a few years ago (and hopefully still now).  There was a revival in the youth, and many youth who had, in the past, gone forward and been baptized, were coming forward again saying that they had not really met God/been saved.  In the weeks that followed, many, many adults did so as well.  I couldn't have been more proud of my hometown.  Setting ourselves and pride aside and saying "Hey-- I'm going to be humble and honest and vulnerable here.  I may be a youth leader, but I'm not a Christian, and that is changing now."

I <3 my church!

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