Monday, August 9, 2010


Have I mentioned lately that I <3 my church?  lol

We had an evangelism seminar tonight.  Sounds boring, huh?  Except not.  Our pastor loves to make everything relative to the world today... and I expect that this wasn't any different.

But I don't really know, cause I wasn't in there to hear it!  I'm listening in on Thursday online.  Why?  Because I helped in the childcare area!  Over 1,000 people were there, and many of them have kids, so it's kind of important for someone to be able to take care of them while their parents learn.

So I took care of the infants-- 8 weeks - 6 months.  There. Were. 13.

13 infants!  THIRTEEN!!!!  My shirt is officially covered in spit-up!  There were about 8 of us taking care of the infants, so we were pretty busy the whole two hours!  What a joy, though.  What a joy!

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